Disabling phone number detection in iphone phonegap apps

Posted on 29/12/2011 by Charalampos Chrysikopoulos

Recently I found out that in a phone gap app for iPhone a number of a shipment in the UI got a link out of nowhere. The link got enabled after a while, and it was clearly the job of the iOS itself.

It turns out that iOS has a phone number detection in the web safari that is used also in the UIWebView class.

After a while I found the solution in this blog.

Just at this code in your apps delegate:

// ...

- (void)webViewDidStartLoad:(UIWebView *)theWebView
// disable telephone detection, basically
theWebView.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll ^ UIDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber;

return [ super webViewDidStartLoad:theWebView ];

// ...

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