ServiceContext: What is this for?

Posted on 28/03/2012 by Charalampos Chrysikopoulos

Lately I was trying to insert some content into liferay programmatically and I saw in many API calls that there was a parameter object of type ServiceContext. I didn't realize at the beginning what it's for, but after having a problem creating a vocabulary, it got more clear:

There is a method

long userId, java.lang.String title,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> titleMap,
java.util.Map<java.util.Locale, java.lang.String> descriptionMap,
java.lang.String settings,
com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)

which creates a vocabulary with the given title. I used it in my code, but if a vocabulary with the same name was already there a DuplicateVocabularyException was thrown. So in the exception handling I decided to get this vocabulary using the following method:
long groupId, java.lang.String name)

If you look closely you will notice that the get- method requires a groupId. No such parameter was required in the add- method. I think this is a little declaration bug in the API, because it seems that the groupId is required for the existence of a vocabulary.

After having a look at the source code of the portal, I saw in the add- method that the groupId has been used in the insertion from the ServiceContext. So, the ServiceContext is a simple bean that carries all the necessary (or not) information needed for the API service calls. More details here.

This entry was posted in Liferay and tagged Liferay, serviceContext by Charalampos Chrysikopoulos