Posted on by Charalampos Chrysikopoulos

Until recently, Liferay was known as a one-product company. Now Liferay changes that, introducing three more products along with Liferay DXP. These products were the highlights in this year΄s DEVCON, the best DEVCON ever! Not only because of the presentation of the new products and the existence of many different tracks and workshops, but also because everybody seemed to me happy and joyful. Perhaps the city of Amsterdam has something to do with it… 

Along with the new version 7.1 of the Liferay DXP, the company presented the Liferay Commerce, Analytics and Cloud. It is a big step forward not only because of the number of the new products, but also because the new products are mature, rich of features and having the developer in mind (allowing us to extend many aspects of them). 

For me, it was also an opportunity to meet David Nebinger, the man who helped me a lot with his blogs and forum entries and kept me going by helping more than anyone else solving the problems I had. It seems that almost everybody was feeling in the same way. 

Liferay recalled also its decision to disable the clustering in the past community version. Now that has changed so clustering is back. 

Liferay 7.1 offers many new amazing features as:  


  • a new way to develop/design pages with fragments,
  • frontend developers enjoy greater freedom to use many new cool technologies like react,
  • the decoupling of the frond UI using headless
  • the new forms.

Also, the new upgrade tools for the 7.1 work better and save time for many common problems. It’s remarkable that it's even safer to upgrade from 6.2 direct to 7.1 than to 7.0.

The eclipse and IntelliJ plugins will get an update making our life easier, solving some problems with the versioning and portal source code.

During the last presentation, Liferay presented the future roadmap. The company showed us what we should expect in the near future: Liferay will get a new version once a year, so they can deliver quickly new features or updates. On the other hand, the company will have faster feedback from the developers. 

If you missed the DEVCON 2018, you can watch all the presentations in youtube (as soon as they will be uploaded) and (I hope) get the slides of them too. 

The next DEVCON is a surprise...

Recap video:

This entry was posted in and tagged by Charalampos Chrysikopoulos

Along with the new version 7.1 of the Liferay DXP, the company presented the Liferay Commerce, Analytics and Cloud.